"Established in 2014 from over 200 years of faith in Christ!"
The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple:
February 2, 2025 9 am Service
This week we celebrate The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple. Forty days after the birth of a first-born male baby, the parents were required by the Law to present the baby to God at the Temple in Jerusalem. Every first-born male was dedicated to God, and had to be redeemed back by an offering at the Temple. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to do that.
This Sunday the Gradual [the psalm or canticle said between the lessons] is the Hymn to Love that forms the thirteenth chapter of St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.
Because of the ice, the church service will be held in the undercroft therefore our worship will not be held
in-person and live-streamed worship. Tune in!
Our new equipment allows us to live-stream worship BUT NOT this Sunday!
Bulletin Link
You don't need to have a Facebook account to watch our service.
You can watch on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Power up your device and open either the Facebook app or your browser [e.g., Internet Explorer, Google, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.].
A few minutes before 9:00, go to the Church's page on Facebook [Warning: There seem to be two separate pages, so go to the one which has last Sunday's streaming service saved on it]; OR
If you're using your browser, go to this URL [location] on your device
Viewing our streaming worship at 9:00 a.m.:
Facebook link
Please wear your name tag each Sunday to be ready to
welcome visitors and newcomers.
Updated worship customs at Resurrection:
The Cup (Wine) at Communion--People can receive in one kind (bread only) or in two kinds (bread and wine). We will be using the common cup.
Intinction (dipping your bread in the wine) is NOW allowed;
please follow instructions as announced.
Coffee Hours have resumed on Sundays.
The Peace--It's OK to touch now.
have been revised. The Vestry finished its work on these at its October meeting.
A notebook is in the narthex for parishioners to enter names for intercession, thanksgiving, or prayers for the faithful departed. Write the (first) name of those you wish commemorated. The intercessor will take the sheet and incorporate the names in the prayers of the people that day.
program has been reactivated. If you would like to visit or be visited, please speak with Fr. Wand or Jude Winters.
As the needs of the hungry in our area change, and the best way to help the food pantries we assist changes along with that, we are adjusting how we ask for your support. We will continue gratefully to accept offerings of money from parishioners, but we will be adding an option to make a food donation at the Church as well. Starting now, our Outreach Coordinator, Leigh Oppelt, has listed in the bulletin the items in particular need at the programs we are assisting. Right now that list is:
Is Evolving to Meet Changing Conditions
the needs of the hungry in our area change, and the best way to help the food pantries we assist changes along with that, we are adjusting how we ask for your support. We will continue gratefully to accept offerings of money from parishioners, but we will be adding an option to make a food donation at the Church as well. Starting now, our Outreach Coordinator, Leigh Oppelt, has listed in the bulletin the items in particular need at the programs we are assisting. Right now that list is:
DELCO Food Pantry:
Canned soups/chili/stew; rice; boxed instant potatoes; cooking oil or spray; paper products;
single serve snacks [i.e. chips, cookies, crackers, etc.]; wound care products (bandages, band aids, gauze, antibiotic creams, etc.); small size wipes; and warmers [Dollar Stores sell box of 3 for $1).Any items donated are accepted with thanks, but we will be concentrating on the Items listed in the bulletin.
Our Wawa Hoagie coupon fundraiser continues! We are selling coupons at $4.50 each for a Wawa “shorti” hoagie, of which we keep a small profit from every sale. The coupons can be used at all area Wawa’s and have no expiration date. If you are interested, please see Rosemary Bezuidenhout or contact the office.
With the installation of the new camera, audio, Internet, and streaming equipment, worship is no longer a solo by the Priest celebrating. Parishioners are needed to read lessons and lead prayers--two per service [and two for every 7:30 service!]. If you can help, please contact Helen Dunlap or leave a message at the Church Office
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore."
[II Cor. 13:14]
(The Rev.) Thomas C. Wand
Resurrection Episcopal Church, Rockdale
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- Rite I 8 AM - Rite II with music and Sunday School 10 AM Summer Service (Memorial Day-Labor Day) - Rite II with music 9 AM Email Contact List
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